Some Things Really Are Stupid

that hate is stupid / you called me stupid an ad hominem attack / now you've lost my respect


If Stupidity Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Outlaw Stupidity

stupidity should be illegal / that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard / you're under arrest



i'm allergic to the tiny micro-trace of gluten in this soy sauce / but i can nibble this cookie because it's tasty / i'm allergic to bullshit

Since half my friends are allergic* to wheat gluten, I hope they’ll still speak to me after this comic.

*It’s not an allergy, it’s a sensitivity. If it’s an allergy, I’d better see you go into  anaphylactic shock the next time you dig your chopsticks into the Chinese food you said you can’t eat because it has soy sauce. And I say this as someone who has plenty of dietary restrictions of her own.



i cherish the principal of anonymity / why / because i can't remember anyone's namesGoogle “anonymous fellowship.”


The Movement

The Movement


Sense of Humor

if you don't have a sense of humor it's just not funny / i don't get it


Hyphenated Liberty

anarcho-libertarians marxian-libertarians geo-libertarians stato-liberatarians / diverse but joined by a common love of- liberty? / -prefixes suffixes and hyphens


Message to Humanity

this poem is my message to humanity / dear dumbasses i hate you all love mimi / no one appreciates my genius


Added Value

take / you can have it back for $220,000 / you stole my nose! i added value to it!

Mimi & Eunice’s character designs evolved (barely) from this Copying Is Not Theft animation:

You’ll notice it starts off with the nose-stealing gag. I saw a similar gag over a decade ago in a brilliant Sam Henderson comic, the Magic Whistle, which made me laugh and laugh. Since Sam has made about a zillion such comics, I can’t find that one, but I did find this amusing one that relates to one of my favorite subjects, the First Amendment: Continue reading Added Value



i didn't know you were into cosplay / cosplay i'm a fashionista not a nerd / you just imitate magazines instead of comic books
Wikipedia’s entry on cosplay
