Not Being in the Present

i'm in the past / mimi where are you / i'm in the future



you over-intellectualize everything / no i don't you're just too dumb to understand what i'm talking about / see



i'm turning into my parents / it could be worse / you could be turning into someone else's parents



god damn it's friday / all the working schmucks get let out of their pens and herd over the sidewalks again / god damn fridays! damn them to hell!

Like Monday’s strip, but this one is about Fridays (” T.G.I.F.“)



i love mondays / all the suckers with jobs are back at work / sucks to be them! i love mondays!

The most popular newspaper comic strips of the late 20th Century featured “Monday” strips. Synopsis: the character hates Mondays. Hilarity ensues! We can all* relate, right? Here are some more Monday cartoons, and an answer to them from Dinosaur Comics.

*I’ve been self-unemployed since I dropped out of college at age 19.


What’s Right

somethings wrong / but look at everything that's right / who cares



i feel sorry for myself / but right now lots of other people feel even more sorry for their selves / that really puts my self-pity in perspective



i didn't know you were into cosplay / cosplay i'm a fashionista not a nerd / you just imitate magazines instead of comic books
Wikipedia’s entry on cosplay


Life Isn’t Fair

life ins't fair / nope/ luckily it's unfair to our advantage



my helmet protects me / helmeted cyclists have more fatal accidents than un-helmeted / it protects me from self-righteous nagging to wear a helmet
Self-righteous helmet naggers are a much more prevalent danger to cyclists than physical injuries.  There’s little evidence my helmet would increase my physical safety in case of an accident (there’s as much evidence for the opposite, in fact), but it does protect my social safety. If I suffered an accident, I’d need the support of my friends and family, and they threaten to withhold this if I don’t wear a helmet.  So I do. And then I make cartoons complaining about it.
