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…because, contrary to general belief, we do not all live on a yellow submarine — we all live on one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vomit_Comet
Libertarians are cowards without the conviction to call themselves Anarchists.
Better to just tilt that way.
What about anarcho-libertarians?
Better to just tilt that way.
Tilt which way? At windmills? We’re all doing that already.
Indeed. I have no problem calling myself an Anarchist.
Now, if by “libertarian” you’re thinking of the Cato institute crowd, then by all means carry on. Neoliberals who won’t admit it.
I’m libertarian-meaning
L-L = Loopy?
[…] is a syndicated post, which originally appeared at Mimi and Eunice. View original post. Nina Paley is a creative artist and anti-copyright innovator. She is the creator of the animated […]
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Probably you’re just a liberal who is aware of how that word was corrupted into its opposite and “libertarian” is your particular figleaf.
The only political test one need apply: which is more important to you, freedom or equality of outcome?
I once had (as part of an Esperanto calendar, I kid you not) a chart of European political parties arranged in a triangle, whose corners represented Freedom, Equality and Stability.
One might legitimately hesitate to label oneself ‘anarchist’ because of several unfortunate connotations, one of which is ‘bohemian-wannabe’.