The US government really has been seizing URLs, for an example go here.
AuthoritarianThe US government really has been seizing URLs, for an example go here. 5 comments to AuthoritarianLeave a Reply to Terry Hancock Cancel reply |
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Wow. Talk about heavy-handed.
Irrationally makes me want to bootleg some more, just to make some kind of point or stick it to the man, or something. Sort of like the way car alarms make me want to find a sledgehammer.
Great pun & well presented. I’ve been reading your comics for a while, but this one is my favorite yet.
Wait–what is the *immigration* department doing *enforcing copyright*?
[…] Nina Paley, “Authoritarian,” Mimi and Eunice from → Comics ← FOP director’s flabbergastingly stupid […]
[…] re-posting this cartoon today because the US Department of Homeland Security seized more than 70 web sites […]