Today is Isaac Newton’s Birthday!
UPDATE: Richard Stallman’s Gravmas page.
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You forgot the “H,” Nina. It’s “Jesus H. Christ.”
Merry Newton’s birthday!
“Isaac Newton was born on 4 January 1643 […]. At the time of Newton’s birth, England had not adopted the Gregorian calendar and therefore his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, 25 December 1642.”
Christmas was also on 4 January, in 1643….
At least, that’s when the English celebrated it.
The Americans, on the other hand, didn’t celebrate Christmas at all that year….
It’s easy here in Scandinavia where we celebrated Jul (as it is still called) long before Christianity arrived.
Yes, and Jesus Christ was born around Groundhog Day, but his birth date was changed to December 25 so that the early Christians could still celebrate on a popular pagan holiday. Newton’s got a better claim to the date than Jesus H. Christ any day.
He was born on April 6, 4 B.C. Look it up. He was born during the lambing time.
@chip You’re right, but it’s not because Christians do something stupid that atheists should feel obliged to do the same. No one has the love of truth?