Someone got pregnant!
Great way to end a story
by making it suck
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Something to think about before speaking about the downsides of reproduction: “The Marching Morons” by Cyril M. Kornbluth. Or, to sum up, if we allow social and economic pressures to make reproduction stupid, than only stupid people will reproduce. This will doom the human race to a level of imbecility such as seen in the movie, “Idiocracy”, which is based on Kornbluth’s story.
So please don’t dis the breeders too hard.
ROFL, Didnt see that coming. Perfect usage of Foreshadowing!
It’s a little disturbing to see people who find reproduction a primary goal of their legacy. Shouldn’t the golden rule apply vertically accross generations? Do unto your children how your parents did unto you? (Don’t introduce them into an overpopulated world. Don’t leave them with a ridiculous debt. Don’t indoctrinate them from birth into some cult.)
should have included (trashing an ecosystem) in the above
Aw, that’s so sweet.
So what strip are you going to do now that Mimi & Eunice is over?
@ Mike42 :
It would be true if intelligence was genetic and if children were educated only by their parents.
I have yet to see the data which even insinuates that intelligence is not genetic, and I read a LOT of science news. Perhaps you can mention the study that says otherwise?
Surely you mean or rather than and.
No surprise that the comic strip Cathy ended in exactly that way.
Thanks Mimi and Eunice for a big chuckle.