Stupid, right? But I hear this argument for copyright law all the time.
Legal FictionsStupid, right? But I hear this argument for copyright law all the time. 11 comments to Legal FictionsLeave a Reply to Tamfang Cancel reply |
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After all, art didn’t exist until the Statute of Anne came into effect in 1710. Leonardo DaVinci was just into crafts and hobbies.
You will find this of interest, if you haven’t seen it already.
“Did Germany experience rapid industrial expansion in the 19th century due to an absence of copyright law? A German historian argues that the massive proliferation of books, and thus knowledge, laid the foundation for the country’s industrial might.”,1518,710976,00.html
I love your comics! <3
Often enough copyright prevents ideas from being put into practice. Corporations have always been buying patents to keep unwanted competition from the market –> “durable light bulb” et al. Also patent law is notorious for blocking research due to partial patents being embedded in larger inventions. By and large mankind may profit infinitely by the absence of copyright.
I love our comics! I have fist found you from Techdirt
I am so glad there is at least one other person on the planet that understands this. I am tired of hearing this “without patents no one would every invent anything” nonsense. Everyone (really, everyone) around me just parrots this nonsense without even thinking.
Thank you!
Loved it! I read all your comics regularly. Thanks a zillion and keep creating!
What an infantile understanding(?) of basic property rights; and no doubt every shoplifter has their own, similarly self-serving perspective on why what they stole belongs to them anyway. But here’s the Truth: The term “Copyright” represents the creators’ sole control that they can legally exercise and that is their “Right” to control who “Copies” their work; especially when it profits/benefits the thieves of their work. I have no complaint with your providing your cartoons for FREE because that represents their inherent value … but to suggest that creative people should have to provide their “products” for free, or it should just be stolen anyway, is sick and no doubt derived from envy.
Patents aren’t enough: you also need government subsidies (i.e. tax transfers). That’s why no one in the “private” sector invented anything before WW2.
[…] all the time.~*~This is a syndicated post, which originally appeared at Mimi and Eunice » IP. View original post.About Nina Paley (92 Posts)Nina Paley is a creative artist and anti-copyright innovator. She […]
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