Helmet Wars! Conclusion

where's your helmet / none of your business / boundaries are the best protection

This is what I should have said to the helmet fascist that inspired much of this series. If I ever ride without a helmet again, I hope I can remember these 4 magic words: “none of your business.”


Helmet Wars! Brain Damage

everyone must wear a helmet / or be shamed ostracized and punished for their own good / you're making me think helmets cause brain damage

I rode one season without a helmet. It was exciting, liberating, and sensual. Then, on my first ride wearing a helmet again, my mind was filled with resentful judgements of all the cyclists I saw who weren’t wearing helmets. Just wearing a helmet messed up my brain.


Helmet Wars! Security

i broke my leg in a bike crash once now i always wear a helmet / helmets don't protect your legs / stop undermining my false sense of security



my helmet protects me / helmeted cyclists have more fatal accidents than un-helmeted / it protects me from self-righteous nagging to wear a helmet
Self-righteous helmet naggers are a much more prevalent danger to cyclists than physical injuries.  There’s little evidence my helmet would increase my physical safety in case of an accident (there’s as much evidence for the opposite, in fact), but it does protect my social safety. If I suffered an accident, I’d need the support of my friends and family, and they threaten to withhold this if I don’t wear a helmet.  So I do. And then I make cartoons complaining about it.



when you point your finger at someone there are three fingers pointing back at you


Something for Nothing

it's wrong to get something for nothing / if you use it you should have to pay for it / you owe me $20 for listening to that


For the Children

my business model relies on extorting criminalizing and punishing children / maybe you should find a new business model / but it's how i feed my children


Libertarian Debate

let's have a libertarian debate / ok / you're a socialist! no you're a socialist!
The Libertarian Ludwig von Mises Institute produces some of the finest, most lucid writing against Intellectual Pooperty anywhere. This cartoon is more about what happens in its blog comments.



so the statist marxian socialoid georgearianist mutualite / gasp / i'm suffixocating
I love my Libertarian friends! So it is with love I poke gentle fun at them.



you freeboards expect everything for free / i'm just advocating free markets / markets don't grow on trees you know
