
i didn't know you were into cosplay / cosplay i'm a fashionista not a nerd / you just imitate magazines instead of comic books
Wikipedia’s entry on cosplay

Xtreme Body Dysmorphia

eunice what happened / diets make-up high heels and plastic surgery how do i look / like somebody with body dysmorphic disorder


what does authoritarian mean / it means they eat authors

The US government really has been seizing URLs, for an example go here.


trying to convince people just doesn't work / sure it does / see

Treat Yourself

people don't treat you the way you treat them / they treat you the way you treat yourself / i love me


hi mimi i'm your self-awareness! yikes! / you seem afraid. look behind you. / i'm your self-awareness awareness! yikes!


a gift for you! gosh thanks! / i hope you like it i put a lot of thought into it it was expensive but your happiness was worth it / a box of guilt

If I add text to this, does Flattr work?

Critical Theory

your theory is critical / your criticism is theoretical / your humanities departments are de-funded

Bonus Friday cartoon! This one’s for Bill Benzon of the Valve.

Posthumous Creations

if the author is dead what explains us / we're just the readers' interpretations / please interpret us better

Death of the Author

have you heard about the death of the author / gasp / i am so sorry