
my helmet protects me / helmeted cyclists have more fatal accidents than un-helmeted / it protects me from self-righteous nagging to wear a helmet
Self-righteous helmet naggers are a much more prevalent danger to cyclists than physical injuries.  There’s little evidence my helmet would increase my physical safety in case of an accident (there’s as much evidence for the opposite, in fact), but it does protect my social safety. If I suffered an accident, I’d need the support of my friends and family, and they threaten to withhold this if I don’t wear a helmet.  So I do. And then I make cartoons complaining about it.


we've become a society ruled by lawyers a lawyerarchy / lawyertarianism / i'm not suggesting we eat them. i am

Now not on weekends!

I have plenty of Mimi & Eunice comics, and I’d be happy to post them on weekends – but it seems hardly anyone actually reads them on weekends, so those strips are kind of “wasted,” attention-wise. I could post my shittiest strips on weekends, but then on Monday (when new readers show up) they’d be sitting there stinking up the page. I don’t want to make my worst impression on  new readers, do I? Thoughts or suggestions appreciated.



The Law of Conservation of Fame

everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. warhol said that in 1968 / since then population has doubled from 3.5 billion to 7 billion / now you only get to be famous for 7.5 minutes. zero-sum fame

Getting What You Want



when you point your finger at someone there are three fingers pointing back at you

Something for Nothing

it's wrong to get something for nothing / if you use it you should have to pay for it / you owe me $20 for listening to that

Rest of Your Life

today is the first day of the rest of your life / that means yesterday was the last day of the first part of my life


my amends for punching you in the face / that's not an amends amends means you know it's wrong and won't do it again / pow