Bonus cartoon: Martyr

well aren't you a martyr

I happen to like martyr myths. So sue me. Better yet, NAIL ME TO A CROSS! Source image here.


Helmet Wars! Religion

my helmet (my religion) makes me feel safe in a scary world / even though there's no proof that helmets reduce injury (god exists) / you should wear a helmet (convert)


All God’s Creatures

god loves all creatures/ that's good / 'cause we sure don't



when you point your finger at someone there are three fingers pointing back at you


How To Make God Do What You Want

how do you make god do what you want / change what you want / it works for people too
Long ago I read a book with the amusing title “How to Make Your Cat Do What You Want.”



i used to be orthodox / then i saw that god both does and does not exist / now you're a paradox


Thou Shalt Not Steal

thou shalt not steal / you know who said that god / and i'm suing your ass for copyright infringement

Copying is not Theft.



why do you believe in god / i have religious experiences / i have atheist experiences

I have both.


Ayn Rand

no rights can exist without the right to translate one's rights into reality / to think to work and keep the results which means / the right to pooperty - ayn rand

I know I said I wouldn’t do any more poop jokes. I lied.


All God’s Creatures

sssnoork / if god loves me why do i have this cold / because god loves microbes too
