Guess You Had to Be There

did you see this comic strip it's so funny / one character is talking about this thing she's read and then the other one says / some things are better experienced than talked about



my work is free / except for commercial use which is evil and i forbid it / was no one's figured out how to make money on the internet


Anti-Social Networking

please accept this personal invitation to my thing / thanks / tickets are $20


Bonus cartoon: Martyr

well aren't you a martyr

I happen to like martyr myths. So sue me. Better yet, NAIL ME TO A CROSS! Source image here.


The Law of Conservation of Fame

everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. warhol said that in 1968 / since then population has doubled from 3.5 billion to 7 billion / now you only get to be famous for 7.5 minutes. zero-sum fame



genius is 1% inspiration / and 99% perspiration / i'll get to the other 1% later
This quote is attributed to Thomas Edison.



i may not like what you say / but i'll defend to the death your right to say it / i may not like your institution but i'll totally take your grant money

I share Eunice’s principles.


Thou Shalt Not Steal

thou shalt not steal / you know who said that god / and i'm suing your ass for copyright infringement

Copying is not Theft.



how do i know there will be enough oxygen when i next inhale / i'd better hold on to the breath i already have


A World Without Poop

imagine if i stopped pooping / thats what'll happen if you remove intellectual pooperty incentives / ok

I’m confident Mimi would continue pooping even without monopoly privilege, although Harlan Ellison would die of kidney failure.
